
NVD3 Erased From Existence

Posted November 16, 2012

I was incredibly surprised to find out today that the popular graphing library NVD3 has been erased from the web, due to what what looks like a copyright dispute.

The following message was sent to admins of the nvd3 organization on GitHub:

Good day to you, admins of GitHub organization “nvd3”. I’m writing on behalf of Novus Partners, the company that developed nvd3. This code has been released in open source form by mistake. The employee who put it out never obtained proper permission from management.

In light of this, I regret to inform you that your repository is in violation of our copyright, and respectfully request that you remove it from GitHub as well as delete any copies of nvd3 source code from your systems. Please accept my sincere apologies for any inconvenience.

Best regards, Max Afonov, Novus Partners, Inc.

You can check out the discussion on the D3 Google Group.