Open RTS
Full implementation of the Somfy RTS protocol
Open RTS is a C library (with optional C++ bindings), which provides a full implementation of the Somfy RTS protocol designed for creating your own remotes, receivers, repeaters, or bridges on embedded hardware, such as Arduino or ESP8266/ESP32 devices.
This open-source, non-commercial library is not affiliated, associated, authorized, endorsed by, or in any way officially connected with Somfy.
There are some awesome off-the-shelf devices that can do both of these, such as the Adafruit Feather M0 RFM69HCW, the Heltec WiFi LoRa 32, or LILYGO TTGO LoRa32.
Alternatively you can take a 433Mhz OOK-capable radio module (eg. CC1101, RFM69, RFM96, SX1231, SX1278) and attach to a microcontroller.
Simulates a physical RTS remote control. It takes RTS commands (button presses), converts them into a series of pulses, then outputs those pulses to a rts_pulse_output
/ RTSPulseOutput
(eg. a GPIO or radio).
Remote rolling codes can be persisted by providing a rts_remote_store
backend (eg. ESP32's non-volatile storage, or Arduino's EEPROM).
Receives pulses via rts_frame_builder_handle_pulse()
, assembles the pulses into complete RTS "frames", and delivers them to the callback you attach with rts_frame_builder_set_callback()
An rts_frame_builder
can be attached to an rts_pulse_source
(eg. a GPIO or radio) with rts_pulse_source_attach()
to observe pulses and build frames automatically.
Simulates a physical RTS receiver device, such as a shade or drapery motor.
It connects an rts_pulse_source
(eg. a GPIO or radio) to an internal rts_frame_builder
and adds common receiver functionality such as frame deduplication, remote pairing, and rolling code validation.
Deduplicated frame "events" such as "remote button pressed" and "remote button held" are sent to the event callback you attach with rts_receiver_set_frame_callback()
Paired remotes and rolling codes can be persisted by providing a rts_remote_store
backend (eg. ESP32's non-volatile storage, Arduino's EEPROM, or something custom if you'd prefer).